Can I Write Off Legal Fees on My Taxes? | Tax Deductions Explained

Can I Write Off Legal Fees on My Taxes?

Legal fees significant expense, good news cases, tax-deductible. Whether you`re an individual or a business, understanding the rules around deducting legal fees can help you save money come tax time. Let`s explore ins outs writing legal fees taxes.


For individuals, the deductibility of legal fees depends on the nature of the legal issue. In general, legal fees related to personal matters are not tax-deductible. This includes fees for divorce, child custody, personal injury, and most other civil cases. However, exceptions:

Legal Issue Tax-Deductible?
Employment-related claims Yes
Tax advice planning Yes
Property disputes with tenants Yes

It`s important to keep detailed records and documentation of legal fees to support any deductions claimed on your tax return. This includes invoices, receipts, and any correspondence with your attorney.


For businesses, the rules regarding the deductibility of legal fees are more favorable. Most legal fees incurred in the course of running a business are tax-deductible. This includes fees for issues such as contract disputes, employee-related matters, and tax advice.

According to the IRS, legal and professional fees are generally deductible if they are paid or incurred in the course of a trade or business. This can provide significant tax savings for businesses of all sizes.

Case Studies

Let`s take a look at a couple of case studies to see how deducting legal fees can impact individuals and businesses:

Case Study 1: Sarah is a small business owner who incurred $10,000 in legal fees related to a contract dispute with a vendor. By deducting these fees on her tax return, Sarah was able to reduce her taxable income, resulting in a lower tax bill for the year.

Case Study 2: John is an individual who paid $5,000 in legal fees for tax advice related to an IRS audit. Although most personal legal fees are not tax-deductible, John was able to deduct these fees as they were directly related to his tax situation.

While deductibility legal fees taxes complex, worth exploring whether benefit tax break. Consult with a qualified tax professional or attorney to determine the tax treatment of your specific legal fees.

Mystery Writing Off Legal Fees Your Taxes

Question Answer
1. Can I deduct legal fees on my taxes? Yes, may able deduct legal fees taxes, depends nature fees specific circumstances case. It`s always best to consult with a tax professional to determine if your legal fees are deductible.
2. What types legal fees write taxes? Generally, legal fees associated with business activities, tax advice, and certain personal expenses may be deductible. However, legal fees related to personal matters, such as divorce or child custody, are usually not deductible.
3. Are there any limitations to deducting legal fees on my taxes? Yes, there are limitations on deducting legal fees, including the 2% rule for miscellaneous itemized deductions. In words, deduct legal fees exceed 2% adjusted gross income.
4. Can I deduct legal fees for estate planning on my taxes? Legal fees for estate planning, such as drafting a will or establishing a trust, are generally not deductible on your taxes. However, certain expenses related to estate administration may be deductible.
5. What documentation do I need to deduct legal fees on my taxes? You should keep detailed records of your legal expenses, including invoices, receipts, and any correspondence with your lawyer. This documentation crucial ever audited IRS.
6. Can I deduct legal fees for defending against criminal charges on my taxes? No, legal fees for defending against criminal charges are not tax deductible. The IRS does not allow deductions for expenses related to illegal activities.
7. Are legal fees for collecting alimony or child support tax deductible? No, legal fees for collecting alimony or child support are not tax deductible. These expenses are considered personal in nature and are not eligible for a tax deduction.
8. Can I deduct legal fees for resolving property disputes on my taxes? Legal fees for resolving property disputes, such as boundary disputes or landlord-tenant issues, may be deductible as a business expense if the property is used for business purposes. However, personal property disputes are generally not deductible.
9. What if I receive a settlement or award that covers my legal fees? If you receive a settlement or award that includes reimbursement for legal fees, you may need to report the amount as income and may not be able to deduct the legal fees on your taxes.
10. Should I seek professional tax advice before deducting legal fees on my taxes? Absolutely! Given the complexity of tax laws and regulations, it`s highly advisable to seek the guidance of a qualified tax professional before attempting to deduct legal fees on your taxes. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual circumstances.

Contract for Writing Off Legal Fees on Taxes

This contract entered day, 20__, undersigned parties.

Party A: [Your Full Legal Name] Party B: [Legal Representative Tax Professional]
Address: [Your Full Address] Address: [Tax Professional`s Address]
Phone: [Your Phone Number] Phone: [Tax Professional`s Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address] Email: [Tax Professional`s Email Address]
Hereinafter referred to as “Taxpayer” Hereinafter referred to as “Tax Professional”

Whereas the Taxpayer seeks to understand the legal implications and potential deductions for legal fees incurred,

And whereas the Tax Professional is qualified to provide legal and tax advice regarding the deductibility of legal fees,

Now, therefore, parties hereto agree follows:

  1. The Tax Professional shall review the Taxpayer`s relevant legal financial documents determine deductibility legal fees incurred.
  2. The Tax Professional shall provide written opinion tax deductibility Taxpayer`s legal fees accordance applicable tax laws regulations.
  3. The Taxpayer agrees compensate the Tax Professional services reviewing advising deductibility legal fees agreed-upon rate.
  4. The Tax Professional shall held liable tax audit, penalties, interest arising Taxpayer`s tax return claiming deduction legal fees.
  5. This contract shall governed laws [State/Country], disputes arising related this contract shall resolved arbitration accordance rules American Arbitration Association.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.

Party A: [Your Signature] Party B: [Tax Professional`s Signature]
Date: _____________ Date: _____________